Emma Loizides
To view all of Emma’s pieces, in collaboration with LDN Collections please Click here
Emma Loizides is a British painter based in London. Emma creates oil paintings of candy hued street scenes, Twinkling skylines and playful paintings of ice cream vans, fast-food menus and all things americana. 

She spent a few years living in Las Vegas which has influenced her work, beaches, sunsets and palm trees feature in her paintings often. She often takes out the people and cars, capturing the peace in the early hours of sunrise. Her paintings of idealized landscapes are about escapism and enjoyment. 

 Emma’s work has been shown at The Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts and Christie’s Auction.  She has sold work globally, and had work featured in the Hollywood Reporter.

My work is rich with texture, inspired by artists such as Wayne Thiebauld, who creates a creamy consistency with paint. My romanticized paintings feature quirky buildings and expansive skies with pops of pastel neon paint. The saturated cityscapes are about escapism, offering the viewer a moment to contemplate.  A short break from the chaos of city life. 

I have been told by people in the past that my work has a sense of humor which I love, I like to think that my paintings are uplifting in some way. They are also about fun and enjoyment, sharing the feeling of nostalgia I get looking over a twinkling skyline, painting an ice cream van or mixing the Florida pink that brings happy memories.

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