Peter Williams

To view all of Peter’s pieces, in collaboration with LDN Collections please Click here

I am Peter Williams, an entirely self taught UK artist, working out of my studio on the Suffolk coast where I live with my long term partner Jenny along with my dogs. Born in 1952 and leaving home at a young age, I’ve had a varied working life which includes the regular British Army, college tutor, computer analyst and lorry driver. During these times I always found time to create art of some kind in my spare time. In 2002 I took the life changing step of becoming a full time artist, becoming the feature artist for Hertfordshire Life magazine before moving to the East coast of Suffolk in 2005. I am honoured to have been short listed for the David Shepherd Wildlife Artist Of The Year award on several occasions.

I express myself using a broad spectrum of media including graphite pencil, coloured pencil, charcoal and pastel, watercolours and inks.

My wide portfolio of subject matter includes traditional landscape, seascape, wildlife, portraiture and highly detailed illustration, even some still life.

I’ve been and still am influenced by many predominantly unknown contemporary artists, people who have perfected certain techniques and styles of work which are instantly recognisable as their own. I have worked hard to learn these technical skills, experimenting and developing methods a little further to produce my own style. I try to portray emotions and inject a spiritual atmosphere into my work which may take the viewer to another place, far beyond that of a photograph or regular realism.

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